Pust Resoling Lab


At PUST, we are dedicated to restoring your shoes to their optimal condition. We take pride in delivering the highest quality craftsmanship to ensure your footwear performs at its best. To make our services as convenient as possible, PUST offers multiple options for you to easily send your shoes to us. Choose from any of the following methods:


Ullevålsveien 13, 0165 Oslo

Dropbox Løkka

Thorvald Meyers gate 9, 0555 Oslo

Dropbox Mikrobuldereri

Pilestredet 27, 0164 Oslo

Dropbox Gneis Lilleaker

Vollsveien 13H, 1366 Lysaker


Pust Resoling Lab is a small workshop located in the center of Oslo at two minutes from Tøyen metro station.

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